43 Lecture


Midterm & Final Term Short Notes

Hashing Animation

Hashing animation is a visual representation of how a hash function works and how it maps keys to their corresponding values in a hash table. The animation typically shows how the hash function takes an input key, transforms it into a hash code,

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Midterm & Finalterm Prepration
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  1. What is the purpose of hashing animation? A) To visualize the working of a hash table B) To test the efficiency of a hash function C) To optimize the performance of a hash table D) To compare different sorting algorithms Answer: A

  2. Which of the following is a common technique for handling collisions in hash tables? A) Sorting B) Merging C) Chaining D) Selection Answer: C

  3. In hashing animation, what does a slot in a hash table represent? A) A key-value pair B) A hash code C) A collision D) A search operation Answer: A

  4. How does a hash function map keys to their corresponding slots in a hash table? A) By performing a mathematical operation on the key B) By iterating over each slot in the table C) By using a binary search algorithm D) By comparing the key to a pre-defined list of values Answer: A

  5. Which of the following is an advantage of using hashing over other data structures like arrays or linked lists? A) Constant time complexity for all operations B) Lower space complexity C) More flexible data organization D) Greater accuracy in data retrieval Answer: A

  6. What is the role of a load factor in a hash table? A) To control the number of collisions B) To determine the number of slots in the table C) To improve the performance of the hash function D) To ensure the hash table is sorted Answer: A

  7. Which of the following is a disadvantage of using chaining to handle collisions in a hash table? A) Increased space complexity B) Decreased search efficiency C) More complex implementation D) Lower load factor Answer: A

  8. What is open addressing in hash tables? A) A technique for handling collisions by storing values in linked lists B) A technique for handling collisions by searching for the next available slot in the table C) A technique for handling collisions by rehashing the key D) A technique for handling collisions by using a binary search algorithm Answer: B

  9. In a hash table, what is the worst-case time complexity for a search operation? A) O(1) B) O(log n) C) O(n) D) It depends on the specific hash function Answer: C

  10. How does the performance of a hash table change as the load factor increases? A) It becomes faster B) It becomes slower C) It remains constant D) It depends on the specific hash function Answer: B

Subjective Short Notes
Midterm & Finalterm Prepration
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  1. What is hashing? Hashing is a technique used to store and retrieve data in a data structure known as a hash table. It involves using a hash function to map data values to specific index locations in the hash table.

  2. What is a collision in hashing? A collision occurs when two or more data values map to the same index location in a hash table. Collisions can be resolved through various techniques such as chaining or open addressing.

  3. What is the load factor in hashing? The load factor is the ratio of the number of elements stored in a hash table to the size of the table. It can impact the performance of hash table operations, with higher load factors resulting in more frequent collisions and slower performance.

  4. What is a hash function? A hash function is a mathematical function used to map data values to specific index locations in a hash table. It takes a data value as input and produces a hash code, which is used to determine the index location for storing the data value in the hash table.

  5. What is the difference between linear probing and quadratic probing in hashing? Linear probing and quadratic probing are two techniques used in open addressing to resolve collisions in hash tables. Linear probing involves searching for the next available index location to store the data value, while quadratic probing uses a quadratic function to determine the next index location to search.

  6. What is a perfect hash function? A perfect hash function is one that maps each data value to a unique index location in a hash table, with no collisions. It is used in situations where the set of data values is known in advance and a static hash table can be created.

  7. What is rehashing in hashing? Rehashing is the process of creating a new hash table with a larger size and rehashing all the data values from the old hash table to the new one. It is typically performed when the load factor of the hash table exceeds a certain threshold.

  8. What is the role of a hash table in a dictionary data structure? A hash table is commonly used as the underlying data structure for implementing a dictionary, with data values being stored as key-value pairs. The hash table allows for efficient retrieval of data values based on their associated keys.

  9. What is a hash collision resolution technique that uses linked lists? Chaining is a collision resolution technique in which each index location in a hash table is associated with a linked list. When a collision occurs, the data values are added to the linked list at the corresponding index location.

  10. What is the worst-case time complexity of a hash table operation? In the worst case, a hash table operation such as insertion, deletion, or retrieval can have a time complexity of O(n), where n is the number of data values stored in the hash table. However, with a well-designed hash function and appropriate collision resolution technique, the average time complexity can be much lower.

Hashing animation is an interactive way of understanding how hash tables work. It allows users to visualize the process of inserting, searching, and deleting items in a hash table. Typically, the animation displays a hash table with slots and arrows representing the hash function, collision resolution, and pointer references. During insertion, the animation highlights the slot where the item is hashed to and shows how the item is added to the hash table. If a collision occurs, the animation demonstrates how the collision is resolved, either through chaining or open addressing. For searching, the animation shows how the hash function is used to determine the slot to search, and then highlights the search path, which may involve following a chain of linked items or probing slots until the item is found. Deleting an item is also shown, with the animation removing the item from the hash table and updating any pointers or chains as needed. Hashing animation helps users understand the key concepts and performance implications of hash tables, such as load factor, table size, and collision resolution. It also allows users to experiment with different hash functions and collision resolution strategies, to see how they affect the behavior of the hash table. Overall, hashing animation is a valuable tool for students and professionals alike to learn and explore the workings of hash tables, which are widely used in data storage, retrieval, and indexing applications.