
Midterm & Final Term
Short Notes

Data Structures Lectures: 45

Past Papers Mcq's

Mid Term Important Mcqs From Lec 01 to 22 (Past Papers included) Download PDF

Final Term Important Mcqs From Lec 23 to 45 (Past Papers included) Download PDF

Final Term Important Mcqs From Lec 01 to 45 (Past Papers included) Download PDF

Past Papers Subjective

Mid Term Important Subjective From Lec 01 to 22 (Past Papers included) Download PDF

Final Term Important Subjective From Lec 23 to 45 (Past Papers included) Download PDF

Final Term Important Subjective From Lec 01 to 45 (Past Papers included) Download PDF


1 Lecture - Introduction to Data Structures 2 Lecture - List Implementation 3 Lecture - Linked List inside Computer Memory 4 Lecture - Methods of Linked List 5 Lecture - Benefits of using circular list 6 Lecture - Stack From the Previous Lecture 7 Lecture - Evaluating postfix expressions 8 Lecture - Conversion from infix to postfix 9 Lecture - Memory Organization 10 Lecture - Queues 11 Lecture - Implementation of Priority Queue 12 Lecture - Operations on Binary Tree 13 Lecture - Cost of Search 14 Lecture - Recursive Calls 15 Lecture - Level-order Traversal of a Binary Tree 16 Lecture - Deleting a node in BST 17 Lecture - Reference Variables 18 Lecture - Reference Variables 19 Lecture - Usage of const keyword 20 Lecture - AVL Tree 21 Lecture - AVL Tree Building Example 22 Lecture - Cases of rotations 23 Lecture - Single Right Rotation 24 Lecture - Deletion in AVL Tree 25 Lecture - Expression tree 26 Lecture - Hoffman Encoding 27 Lecture - Properties of Binary Tree 28 Lecture - Inorder traversal in threaded trees 29 Lecture - Complete Binary Tree 30 Lecture - Inserting into a Min-Heap 31 Lecture - BuildHeap 32 Lecture - perculateDown Method 33 Lecture - Priority Queue Using Heap 34 Lecture - Equivalence Relations 35 Lecture - Dynamic Equivalence Problem 36 Lecture - Running Time Analysis 37 Lecture - Review 38 Lecture - Table and Dictionaries 39 Lecture - Searching an Array: Binary Search 40 Lecture - Skip List 41 Lecture - Review 42 Lecture - Collision 43 Lecture - Hashing Animation 44 Lecture - Selection Sort 45 Lecture - Divide and Conquer
CS301 is a foundational course for computer science students that covers the principles and techniques of computer organization and architecture. This book from VU is designed to provide students with a comprehensive understanding of the key concepts, theories, and practices in this field. The book begins with an introduction to the basic concepts of computer organization, including the structure and function of a computer system, the CPU, memory, and input/output devices. It then goes on to cover the principles of digital logic, including Boolean algebra, logic gates, and combinational and sequential circuits. The book also covers the design and implementation of computer instructions, the architecture of the CPU, and the use of assembly language for programming. It includes discussions on computer arithmetic, memory systems, input/output operations, and interrupts. Another key topic covered in the book is the use of pipelining and parallel processing to improve computer performance. It also includes a detailed discussion on the role of operating systems in managing computer resources and the use of virtual memory to address the limitations of physical memory. The book is filled with examples, illustrations, and exercises to help students master the material. It also includes several case studies that show how computer architecture and organization principles are applied in real-world scenarios. Overall, the CS301 book from VU is an excellent resource for students seeking to develop a solid understanding of computer organization and architecture. It is a must-read for anyone looking to pursue a career in computer science or related fields.