
Midterm & Final Term
Short Notes


Past Papers Mcq's

Mid Term Important Mcqs From Lec 01 to 22 (Past Papers included) Download PDF

Final Term Important Mcqs From Lec 23 to 45 (Past Papers included) Download PDF

Final Term Important Mcqs From Lec 01 to 45 (Past Papers included) Download PDF

Past Papers Subjective

Mid Term Important Subjective From Lec 01 to 22 (Past Papers included) Download PDF

Final Term Important Subjective From Lec 23 to 45 (Past Papers included) Download PDF

Final Term Important Subjective From Lec 01 to 45 (Past Papers included) Download PDF


1 Lecture - Introduction 2 Lecture - Organizational Boundaries and Environments 3 Lecture - Business Organization & Sole Proprietorship 4 Lecture - Partnership 5 Lecture - Joint Stock Company 6 Lecture - Joint Stock Company (Continued) 7 Lecture - What is Meeting? 8 Lecture - Cooperative Society 9 Lecture - Concept of Entrepreneurship 10 Lecture - Franchising 11 Lecture - Success and Failure of Business 12 Lecture - Foreign Trade and Foreign Business 13 Lecture - Barriers to International Trade 14 Lecture - Stakeholder 15 Lecture - Setting goals and Formulating Strategy 16 Lecture - Human Resource Planning 17 Lecture - Infrastructure for Test 18 Lecture - Compensation and Benefits 19 Lecture - Contemporary Motivational Theories 20 Lecture - Two Factor Theory 21 Lecture - Strategies for enhancing job satisfaction and morale 22 Lecture - Marketing 23 Lecture - The Marketing Environment 24 Lecture - The Marketing Mix 25 Lecture - The Marketing Research 26 Lecture - Consumer Behavior and Marketing Research 27 Lecture - Product, Product types & step for product development 28 Lecture - Product Life Cycle, Branding, Packaging and Labeling 29 Lecture - Pricing and Distribution Mix 30 Lecture - Wholesaling, retailing & physical distribution 31 Lecture - Promotion and advertisement 32 Lecture - Personal Selling 33 Lecture - Personal Selling (Continued). 34 Lecture - Sales Promotion 35 Lecture - The Productivity 36 Lecture - Tools for Production Planning 37 Lecture - Total Quality Management 38 Lecture - Total Quality Management (Continued) 39 Lecture - Benchmarking 40 Lecture - Communication 41 Lecture - Non-Verbal Communication Modes 42 Lecture - Application of Information System in the Organizations 43 Lecture - Accounting 44 Lecture - Tools of the Accounting Trade 45 Lecture - Financial Management
MGT211 is a comprehensive book for students studying management in Virtual University (VU). The book covers various aspects of management, including planning, organizing, leading, and controlling. The primary objective of this book is to provide students with a deep understanding of the concepts of management and their practical applications. The book is divided into different chapters, each covering a specific topic related to management. The first chapter introduces students to the concept of management and its evolution over time. It also covers the different types of management, including scientific, administrative, and behavioral. The second chapter of the book focuses on planning, which is a critical component of management. It discusses the different types of plans, including strategic, tactical, and operational plans, and how they are used in organizations. The third chapter is about organizing, which involves creating a structure for the organization and assigning tasks to employees. This chapter covers different organizational structures, such as functional, divisional, and matrix structures. The fourth chapter is about leading, which involves inspiring and motivating employees to achieve organizational goals. It covers different leadership styles, such as autocratic, democratic, and laissez-faire. The fifth and final chapter of the book focuses on controlling, which involves monitoring and evaluating performance to ensure that organizational goals are achieved. This chapter covers different types of control, including bureaucratic, market, and clan control. Overall, MGT211 is an excellent book for students studying management in VU. It provides a comprehensive overview of the different aspects of management and their practical applications in organizations. The book is easy to understand and well-organized, making it an ideal resource for students who want to learn about management.