35 Lecture


Midterm & Final Term Short Notes


Member templates are a feature of C++ that allows for templates to be defined inside a class or struct. This enables the creation of generic member functions that can work with any data type, while still having access to the class's data members

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  1. What are member templates in C++? A. Templates defined inside a class or struct B. Templates defined outside a class or struct C. Templates that cannot be used with any data type D. Templates that can only be used with integer data types Answer: A. Templates defined inside a class or struct. What is the advantage of using member templates? A. Increased reusability and adaptability of code B. Improved code performance C. Reduced code complexity D. All of the above Answer: D. All of the above. Can member templates access the data members and methods of the class they are defined in? A. Yes B. No Answer: A. Yes. Can member templates be used to provide generic constructors? A. Yes B. No Answer: A. Yes. What is the syntax for defining a member template? A. template<class T> void myFunction(T arg); B. template<typename T> void myFunction(T arg); C. template<class T> struct MyClass {...}; D. All of the above Answer: D. All of the above. Can member templates be specialized for specific data types? A. Yes B. No Answer: A. Yes. What is the purpose of a member function template? A. To provide a generic member function that can work with any data type B. To provide a specialized member function for a specific data type C. To provide a constructor for a class or struct D. None of the above Answer: A. To provide a generic member function that can work with any data type. What is the advantage of using a member function template over a regular member function? A. Increased reusability and adaptability of code B. Improved code performance C. Reduced code complexity D. All of the above Answer: D. All of the above. What is the difference between a member function template and a regular member function? A. A member function template can work with any data type, whereas a regular member function can only work with specific data types B. A member function template is defined inside a class or struct, whereas a regular member function is defined outside the class or struct C. A member function template cannot access the data members and methods of the class it is defined in, whereas a regular member function can D. None of the above Answer: A. A member function template can work with any data type, whereas a regular member function can only work with specific data types. What is the purpose of template specialization? A. To provide a generic template that can work with any data type B. To provide a specialized template for a specific data type C. To provide a constructor for a class or struct D. None of the above Answer: B. To provide a specialized template for a specific data type.

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  1. What are member templates in C++? Answer: Member templates are templates that are defined inside a class or struct. What is the advantage of using member templates? Answer: Member templates provide increased reusability and adaptability of code, reduced code complexity, and improved code performance. Can member templates access the data members and methods of the class they are defined in? Answer: Yes, member templates can access the data members and methods of the class they are defined in. What is the syntax for defining a member template? Answer: The syntax for defining a member template is: template<typename T> void MyClass<T>::myFunction(T arg) { //function body } Can member templates be specialized for specific data types? Answer: Yes, member templates can be specialized for specific data types. What is the difference between a member function template and a regular member function? Answer: A member function template can work with any data type, whereas a regular member function can only work with specific data types. What is the purpose of a member function template? Answer: The purpose of a member function template is to provide a generic member function that can work with any data type. Can member templates be used to provide generic constructors? Answer: Yes, member templates can be used to provide generic constructors. What is template specialization? Answer: Template specialization is the process of defining a specialized version of a template for a specific data type. What is the advantage of using a member function template over a regular member function? Answer: The advantage of using a member function template is increased reusability and adaptability of code, reduced code complexity, and improved code performance.

In C++, templates are used to write generic code that can work with different data types. Member templates are a type of template that are defined inside a class or struct. They provide increased reusability and adaptability of code, reduced code complexity, and improved code performance. Member templates can access the data members and methods of the class they are defined in. They can also be specialized for specific data types. The syntax for defining a member template is similar to that of a regular template, except that it includes the class name and scope resolution operator. One common use of member templates is to provide generic member functions that can work with any data type. This is useful when a class has a function that performs the same operation on different data types. Using a member function template instead of a regular member function reduces code duplication and makes the code more flexible. Another use of member templates is to provide generic constructors. A constructor is a special member function that is called when an object of a class is created. By using a member function template as a constructor, the class can be instantiated with any data type. This is useful when a class needs to be created with different data types depending on the context. Overall, member templates are a powerful tool in C++ for writing generic code that is reusable and adaptable to different situations.