19 Lecture


Midterm & Final Term Short Notes

Scanning and Language Functions

Scanning is a reading technique that involves searching a text for specific information or details. It is a useful skill for English language learners to master because it helps them to quickly locate the information they need and saves them tim

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Midterm & Finalterm Prepration
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  1. What is scanning in English comprehension? A. A reading technique that involves searching a text for specific information or details. B. A technique for memorizing vocabulary words. C. A strategy for improving writing skills. D. None of the above. Answer: A

  2. What is the purpose of scanning in English comprehension? A. To fully understand the text. B. To quickly locate specific information or details. C. To memorize new vocabulary words. D. To improve writing skills. Answer: B

  3. What should readers focus on when using scanning as a reading technique? A. Key words or phrases related to the information they are searching for. B. The author's writing style. C. The text's main ideas and structure. D. None of the above. Answer: A

  4. Can scanning be used on its own when reading a text? A. Yes, it is the only reading technique needed. B. No, it should be used in combination with other reading strategies. C. It depends on the reader's preference. D. None of the above. Answer: B

  5. What is skimming and how is it related to scanning? A. Skimming involves quickly reading a text to get a general idea of the content and can be used before scanning to give the reader a sense of the text's main ideas and structure. B. Skimming and scanning are the same reading technique. C. Skimming involves reading a text word-for-word. D. None of the above. Answer: A

  6. When should careful reading be used instead of scanning? A. When the reader needs to fully understand the text. B. When the reader needs to quickly locate specific information or details. C. When the reader is reading for pleasure. D. None of the above. Answer: A

  7. What are some examples of where scanning can be useful? A. When reading textbooks, articles, or reports. B. When listening to lectures or presentations. C. Both A and B. D. None of the above. Answer: C

  8. Can scanning be used in speaking? A. Yes, it can be used to quickly recall information or vocabulary during a conversation or presentation. B. No, scanning is only used in reading and listening. C. It depends on the speaker's preference. D. None of the above. Answer: A

  9. How can scan help English language learners become more efficient readers and communicators? A. By quickly locating and retrieving information, saving them time and improving their comprehension. B. By improving their writing skills. C. By memorizing new vocabulary words. D. None of the above. Answer: A

  10. What is the difference between scanning and careful reading? A. Scanning involves searching for specific information or details, while careful reading involves fully understanding the text. B. Scanning and careful reading are the same reading technique. C. Careful reading involves quickly reading a text to get a general idea of the content. D. None of the above. Answer: A

Subjective Short Notes
Midterm & Finalterm Prepration
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  1. What is scanning in English comprehension? Scanning is a reading technique that involves searching a text for specific information or details.

  2. Why is scanning important for English language learners? Scanning is important for English language learners because it helps them quickly locate the information they need and saves them time when reading.

  3. What should readers focus on when scanning a text? Readers should focus on keywords or phrases that are related to the information they are searching for.

  4. What are some examples of where scanning can be useful? Scanning can be useful when reading textbooks, articles, or reports, and when listening to lectures or presentations.

  5. Can scanning be used on its own when reading a text? Scanning should be used in combination with other reading strategies, such as skimming and careful reading.

  6. How can scanning be used in listening comprehension? Scanning can be used to quickly locate specific information in a spoken text, such as a lecture or presentation.

  7. What is skimming and how is it related to scanning? Skimming involves quickly reading a text to get a general idea of the content and can be used before scanning to give the reader a sense of the text's main ideas and structure.

  8. When should careful reading be used instead of scanning? Careful reading or close reading should be used when the reader needs to fully understand the text, as scanning can miss important details.

  9. Can scanning be used in speaking? Scanning can be used in speaking to quickly recall information or vocabulary during a conversation or presentation.

  10. How can scan help English language learners become more efficient readers and communicators? By mastering scanning, English language learners can become more efficient readers and communicators because they can quickly locate and retrieve information, saving them time and improving their comprehension.

Scanning and Language Functions in English Comprehension

Scanning is a reading technique that involves searching a text for specific information or details. It is a useful skill for English language learners to master because it helps them to quickly locate the information they need and saves them time when reading. Scanning is an important skill not just for reading, but also for other language functions such as listening and speaking. In scanning, readers focus on keywords or phrases that are related to the information they are searching for. These keywords or phrases can be found in headings, subheadings, bold or italicized text, and keywords in a paragraph. Once the reader has identified the key words or keywords phrases, they quickly move their eyes over the text to locate the information they need. Scanning is especially useful when reading longer texts, such as articles or reports, where the reader needs to locate specific information quickly. For example, a student might need to scan a textbook to find a specific date or fact for an assignment. Scanning can also be used to quickly check whether a text contains relevant information before reading it more carefully. While scanning is a useful skill for English language learners, it is important to note that it should be used in combination with other reading strategies. For example, skimming, which involves quickly reading a text to get a general idea of the content, can be used before scanning to give the reader a sense of the text's main ideas and structure. Additionally, careful reading or close reading should be used when the reader needs to fully understand the text, as scanning can miss important details. Scanning can also be applied to other language functions beyond reading. For example, in listening comprehension, scanning can be used to quickly locate specific information in a spoken text. This is particularly useful when listening to lectures or presentations where the speaker may provide a lot of information in a short amount of time. By scanning for key words or phrases, the listener can quickly identify the most important information and take notes accordingly. In speaking, scanning can be used to quickly recall information or vocabulary during a conversation or presentation. For example, if a speaker forgets a specific word or phrase, they can quickly scan their mental lexicon to retrieve it. Scanning can also be used to quickly identify common collocations or phrases when speaking, helping the speaker to sound more fluent and natural. In conclusion, scanning is an important reading technique that can help English language learners quickly locate specific information in texts. It is a useful skill that can be applied to other language functions such as listening and speaking. While scanning should be used in combination with other reading strategies and careful reading, it can save time and improve comprehension when used appropriately. By mastering scanning, English language learners can become more efficient readers and communicators.