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Enter the URL in the field in the tool and click the "Search DNS Records" button to get the results in seconds.
What is Find DNS records?
Before we discuss how to find DNS records, let's first explain what DNS records are. DNS stands for Domain Name System. It is the world's largest database of information about every website on the Internet. Each website has a unique IP address. IP is a common term used by SEO, webmasters, and other technicians in the IT world. IP stands for "Internet Protocol" and is a unique address for each computer connected to the Internet.
Internet users enter a domain name to search a website through a search browser. For example, a user logs in to Google.com. The search browser searches DNS for the IP address of this domain name, navigates to the IP address, searches the website, and displays it in the requester's browser.
DNS records
A DNS record is a mapping file and tells DNS servers the IP address associated with each domain name. This file also tells the server how to handle requests to your domain. In other words, the file communicates with the IP address of the domain and the web hosting server where the file resides and contains the domain data.
There are several syntaxes containing a sequence of characters called DNS server commands and DNS syntax. A is the most commonly used command and represents an address. Shows the actual IP address of the domain.
AAAA records are IPV6 addresses that map host names to 128-bit addresses. Regular IP addresses are mapped to 32-bit IPv4 addresses.
CNAME stands for canonical address and is used to associate a new subdomain with an existing domain. MX stands for Mail Exchange and tells the domain that it is a mail exchange server.
PTR is a pointer record and the IPv4 address points to the CNAME on the web hosting server.
NS stands for the authorized name server for the domain.
The SOA record indicates the last time the domain was updated. SOA means state of authority. The SRV specifies the service and defines the TCP service on which the domain operates.
TXT stands for text and allows administrators to enter any text in the domain.
Another element is "ttl", which stands for "time to live". Simply put, the time before the DNS record is updated.
How to use Find DNS records
When SEOs and webmasters feel that something is wrong, they look for DNS records for their managed websites. To find DNS records, SEOs and webmasters should use smallseotricks.com Find DNS Records tool. Type smallseotricks.net in the address bar of your browser and the site will open. Click on "Free SEO Tools" and the SEO Tools icon will appear. Scroll down the list until you see the Search DNS records icon; Click on it and enter the URL you need to find the DNS record for. Remember that URLs must begin with HTTP://. The system will display all DNS records for the domain. It will display six records containing information for DNS commands. For example, the first record would be of type A. The second and third records would be written NS. The fourth record will write SOA, the fifth record will write MX, and the last record will write TXT. You are free to use this information to allow SEO to verify that your site is functioning correctly and that its address is displayed correctly on the DNS server.
How does DNS work?
Once you've entered the domain you want to access in the search browser, this is what the DNS lookup process will do for you.
Enter a domain name like whatsup.com in the address bar.
The computer connects to the Internet through the Internet Service Provider (ISP). Your ISP server asks the root nameserver "Where can I find the nameserver for .com?".
The root name server responds by broadcasting the name server IP address for .com. Along with the IP address, it asks the .com nameserver "where can I find whatsup.com".
The .com name server sends the address.
Your ISP now has the address and will connect. Now he connects it to whatsup.com site after checking everything is fine.
This is how your ISP's machines process your request to visit a website in the backend. The whole process is handled in microseconds. There are other processes involved in processing your request that are not covered here.
There are websites that help find DNS records and get DNS information. You can also learn how to check DNS records using Command Prompt Search. However, you need to know the IP address of the domain you want to search.

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